There are many ways to support Spirit Garage. You can give once, or set up repeated gifts.
Text-to-Give: Text “BLCTC SG” to 73256. You’ll be taken to a webpage to enter your information.
Click HERE and set up a one-time or recurring gift to Spirit Garage
Snail Mail: Send check to Spirit Garage, 4100 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55409
Thank you for your interest in giving to Spirit Garage. Our ministry is fueled by the individual generosity of people.
You can make a one-time gift or set up automatic giving in increments you specify. This is all done through our church management software called Realm. It’s easy to create an account, which allows you to manage your profile, track your giving, and sign up for events. If you wish, you can give as a guest as well.
When you click “give” you’ll go to a page within Bethlehem Lutheran Church that will ask how much you’d like to give. Write the amount, and then select the “Fund.” That’s where you’ll find Spirit Garage. Then you can select “Give once” or “Give multiple times.”
Spirit Garage is a ministry of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, so your e-receipt will say Bethlehem. But rest assured, if you selected Spirit Garage, we will receive your offering or gift. Thank you!