Mission Statement:
Spirit Garage is grassroots ministry rooted in Christ welcoming all into authentic relationships. As the church with the really big door, we strive to create a compassionate community which honors the giftedness of all.
Core Values:
Authentic Relationship
God meets you where you are, and so do we, so come as you are.
At Spirit Garage, we to strive to be relevant to you and to real life in the world. What you find at Spirit Garage will be real. Come as you are. Take it at your own pace. At worship, you’ll find good music, a message, prayer and communion; plus art supplies if you’d like to doodle your way through the gathering. We connect with others in small groups and events as varied as we are. There will be opportunities to connect with neighbors in need in this community and around the world.
Big Door
You are invited in.
We don’t actually meet in a garage. But we do like the idea of a big garage door welcoming all in and out. We hold open the big door of God’s love and create a space where everyone is welcome. By opening the door and inviting people in, we believe that people can experience God’s unconditional love and grace. We encourage each other to share God’s love on our journeys back out into the world. The big door always goes both ways, so we hope to be out in the community, living out our core values in the world around us.
Grassroots Ministry
You can be a part of it.
Spirit Garage is a community of faith and in this community, every person contributes to the health of the whole. Everyone is invited to lead and guide the community in different ways. Some organize small groups, some lead worship, some bake bread, some help set up and clean up, some share musical gifts, some pray for the community, some serve on the Drivetrain Leadership team, some work on making sure people know what is happening. Do you have an idea about something Spirit Garage could do? Talk to the leadership about it!
Everyone has gifts to offer. What will you bring?
God has given everyone gifts to use for the benefit of the community and the world.
God has given each of us unique gifts. Putting your passion in action is what fuels the culture of Spirit Garage and the culture in which we live. Some grow in their art, others stir the discussion, and others work behind the scenes. Spirit Garage is a place to explore, grow, and use our gifts. It is through this use that Spirit Garage’s mission is realized and God can be seen working through us.
Compassionate Community
“God knits us together for a moment, a season, a lifetime, or a reason.”
At Spirit Garage we start by letting God’s love care for us and then proceed to having that love shine out to others and all creation. Jesus chose to live the life of a servant. He washed the feet of his disciples, provided care and healing to the sick, and gave mercy to everyone. We are called to follow in his footsteps. We have opportunities all around us—people at church, in our neighborhoods, and throughout the world.
It comes down to this: It’s about Loving God and All People with all of our spirit, mind, heart and body based on what Christ called “The Greatest Commandment”:
Matthew 22:36-40 “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” [Jesus] said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”