Adult Confirmation at Spirit Garage
On Thurdays from March 6-April 11, Pastor Holly will teach a confirmation-for-adults class, which will explore things like different ways to read the Bible, some stuff about creeds and prayers and different religions, prayer practices, and more.

Fourth Sunday of Lent
3/30/25 Lent 4: "The Way Back Home/Back to each other" (Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32)
Today we hear the story commonly known as the Prodigal son

Adult Confirmation at Spirit Garage
On Thurdays from March 6-April 11, Pastor Holly will teach a confirmation-for-adults class, which will explore things like different ways to read the Bible, some stuff about creeds and prayers and different religions, prayer practices, and more.

Fifth Sunday of Lent
4/6/25 Lent 5: "The Way Forward" (Isaiah 43:16-21) - “I am about to do a new thing.”

Adult Confirmation at Spirit Garage
On Thurdays from March 6-April 10, Pastor Holly will teach a confirmation-for-adults class, which will explore things like different ways to read the Bible, some stuff about creeds and prayers and different religions, prayer practices, and more.

Palm Sunday
4/13/25 Palm Sunday: "The Way of the Cross" (Luke 19:28-40)
On Palm Sunday we see a strange parade, as Jesus enters into Jerusalem in a deliberate fulfillment of the messianic prophecy but with a twist.

Maundy Thursday Dinner Church
4/17/25 Maundy Thursday: The Way of Love (John 13:1-17; 21-38)
On this night we celebrate the day when Jesus gave a new command to his disciples to love one another as he loved them, and Jesus loved them in a particular way: by being a servant.

Good Friday Worship
4/18/25 Good Friday: The Way of New Life (John 18:1-19:42)
It is Good Friday, or Holy Friday, or God’s Friday. This is the day when we remember that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified on a cross for making powerful people nervous.

Belonging Group at Spirit Garage
Are you new or kind-of new to Spirit Garage? This Spring, think about joining the new member group.
These will take place over lunch on Two Sundays following church from 12-1:30: March 16 and March 23, with receiving new members happening on March 30th. (Becoming a member is not a requirement if you attend the information gatherings.)

Third Sunday of Lent
"The Way it is for Holly" Matthew 25: 34-43
This week, you’ll hear Pastor Holly talk about the foundational scripture that guides her faith, as she explains about the thread she follows.

Adult Confirmation at Spirit Garage
On Thurdays from March 6-April 11, Pastor Holly will teach a confirmation-for-adults class, which will explore things like different ways to read the Bible, some stuff about creeds and prayers and different religions, prayer practices, and more.

Belonging Group at Spirit Garage
Are you new or kind-of new to Spirit Garage? This Spring, think about joining the new member group.
These will take place over lunch on Two Sundays following church from 12-1:30: March 16 and March 23, with receiving new members happening on March 30th. (Becoming a member is not a requirement if you attend the information gatherings.)

Second Sunday of Lent
"The Way it is for Holly" Matthew 25: 34-43
This week, you’ll hear Pastor Holly talk about the foundational scripture that guides her faith, as she explains about the thread she follows.

Adult Confirmation at Spirit Garage
On Thurdays from March 6-April 11, Pastor Holly will teach a confirmation-for-adults class, which will explore things like different ways to read the Bible, some stuff about creeds and prayers and different religions, prayer practices, and more.

First Sunday of Lent
3/9/25 Lent 1: "The Way in the Wilderness" (Luke 4:1-13)
Focus: Jesus' response to temptation models staying focused on God’s mission.

A Walk in the Life with Agate Housing
Tonight, over 1,000 of our neighbors are going to sleep outside. In the last year, homelessness has increased by almost 10% and we need to do something to fix that. And you can help!
Along the one mile route, you’ll hear from Agate staff and former clients. As you experience the cold, you’ll learn more about the realities of surviving in it.
Join the Spirit Garage Team today!

Adult Confirmation at Spirit Garage
On Thurdays from March 6-April 11, Pastor Holly will teach a confirmation-for-adults class, which will explore things like different ways to read the Bible, some stuff about creeds and prayers and different religions, prayer practices, and more.

Ash Wednesday: Prayer Around the Cross
Enter the season of Lent with prayer and contemplation.
Due to the weather, our ability to go online, and the opportunity to allow more people to participate in worship, we are moving Ash Wednesday worship to an online only service.
Worship will begin at 7 pm.
We will livestream to both YouTube and Facebook.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence: Mountaintop with Jesus, Coffeehouse Worship
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

We explore the Bible texts that are coming up for the next Sunday in worship. Ask questions of the text, notice what stands out and what we might be missing; pay attention to historical, literary and other angles possible within the text.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Yoga, Creating Art in Worship
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

We explore the Bible texts that are coming up for the next Sunday in worship. Ask questions of the text, notice what stands out and what we might be missing; pay attention to historical, literary and other angles possible within the text.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Yoga, Body prayer
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

We explore the Bible texts that are coming up for the next Sunday in worship. Ask questions of the text, notice what stands out and what we might be missing; pay attention to historical, literary and other angles possible within the text.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Yoga, Visualization/Art and Lectio Divina
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Empty Bowls
On “SOUPer Bowl Sunday” let’s help raise funds for local nonprofits and share a meal of soup, bread, and dessert donated by local restaurants.

Day of Service at Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities
Join us as we gather to make a difference in the world! After our service projects, we'll enjoy lunch together - invite your friends and register today! This event is open to everyone. All ages and genders are welcome.

We explore the Bible texts that are coming up for the next Sunday in worship. Ask questions of the text, notice what stands out and what we might be missing; pay attention to historical, literary and other angles possible within the text.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Yoga
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

We explore the Bible texts that are coming up for the next Sunday in worship. Ask questions of the text, notice what stands out and what we might be missing; pay attention to historical, literary and other angles possible within the text.

Let's Go Ice Skating & Art Shantying!
Winter will be here, so let's do some winter activities together! Let's go Ice Skating after worship & check out the awesome Art Shanties!

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Anxiety Busters / Centering Your Body for Life
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

We explore the Bible texts that are coming up for the next Sunday in worship. Ask questions of the text, notice what stands out and what we might be missing; pay attention to historical, literary and other angles possible within the text.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Action for Justice
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

We explore the Bible texts that are coming up for the next Sunday in worship. Ask questions of the text, notice what stands out and what we might be missing; pay attention to historical, literary and other angles possible within the text.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Examen
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

We explore the Bible texts that are coming up for the next Sunday in worship. Ask questions of the text, notice what stands out and what we might be missing; pay attention to historical, literary and other angles possible within the text.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Prayer Chapel
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examen practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.