At My Table Dinner Party
We sing a song at Spirit Garage that tells us, “there’s a place for you at my table.” That’s true on Sunday mornings as we join together at Jesus’ table, and now let's eat at each other’s tables.
A few people will host dinner parties for 6-8 people in their homes. It’s just dinner, and it’s a great way to connect a little more deeply in a casual space with people you go to church with.
It matters that we know people, and it matters that we are known to one another, so show up, because that’s the only way to do it.

Announcing some changes in our Livestream availability
After some conversation with staff and the Drivetrain, we’re making some changes to the ways you can access our Worship Livestream.

“That’s my brother!”
What’s “Chosen Family Christmas” Show all about? Andy has some ideas to share about that!

Life Together: The Day Alone
There is a rhythm of life that Jesus is introducing here. A rhythm between being with people, and being alone. A rhythm of speech and of silence. Both are necessary. Both are part of your communion with God.

Life Together: The Day Together
The Day Together addresses how days ought to be structured. The Day Together begins with common worship, with praise and thanks; reading scripture, and prayer. The purpose of this is that the deep stillness of morning is broken first by prayer and song. That is a beautiful idea.

the curious story where jesus curses a fig tree
This summer we’ve been exploring the idea that God is also creative and quirky and curious. In August we enter into our month of curiousness about God.
When we talk about our curiosity, I mean that we bring curiosity to our approach to the Bible, our questions of faith, our view of the neighbor, and how we think about things that push our own boundaries a little bit.
...there are curious things about God. God is a curious God because the stories we have about God are, well, curious. Sometimes they are worse than that. Sometimes they represent a God that most of us wouldn’t choose to believe in. And I think we often just ignore those parts.
We’re going to look at curious stories about God this month

Life Together: We are Called Together
We are called
into surprising faith adventures together
not to realize our own goals
but to be opened up to seeing as God sees

Dry Bones: a Curious Story about God
This summer we’ve been exploring the idea that God is also creative and quirky and curious. In August we enter into our month of curiousness about God.
When we talk about our curiosity, I mean that we bring curiosity to our approach to the Bible, our questions of faith, our view of the neighbor, and how we think about things that push our own boundaries a little bit.
...there are curious things about God. God is a curious God because the stories we have about God are, well, curious. Sometimes they are worse than that. Sometimes they represent a God that most of us wouldn’t choose to believe in. And I think we often just ignore those parts.
We’re going to look at curious stories about God this month

The curious story of the Binding of Isaac
This summer we’ve been exploring the idea that God is also creative and quirky and curious. In August we are beginning our month of curiousness about God.
When we talk about our curiosity, I mean that we bring curiosity to our approach to the Bible, our questions of faith, our view of the neighbor, and how we think about things that push our own boundaries a little bit.
...there are curious things about God. God is a curious God because the stories we have about God are, well, curious. Sometimes they are worse than that. Sometimes they represent a God that most of us wouldn’t choose to believe in. And I think we often just ignore those parts.
We’re going to look at curious stories about God this month

Quirky stories: Jonah
Spirit Garage is a creative, quirky and curious faith community. This summer we’ve been exploring the idea that God is also creative and quirky and curious.
One of the quirky stories to explore is the story of Jonah.

“Life Together” this fall at Spirit Garage
This autumn at Spirit Garage we will explore “Life Together,” through the lens of a short and insightful book by Deitrich Bonhoeffer that wrestles with what Christian community looks like.

What’s a book discussion like?
Maybe you’ve never been a part of a book club before, and it seems intimidating, or maybe you have a certain image in your head about what that looks like and it’s not you.
Read on for more to see if it might be you...

God is Crafty
We have an intimate picture of a crafter who knit us together in our mother’s wombs; who hems us in; I love all these crafty images for God. God as knitter, God as sewer. It brings to mind images of my grandmother, with me standing on some stool, her sitting on another, pins in her mouth, going around me and pinning the hem in place.