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Maundy Thursday Dinner Church

  • Spirit Garage 100 West 46th Street Minneapolis, MN, 55419 United States (map)

The Way of the Servant

On this night of Maundy Thursday we celebrate the day when Jesus gave a new command to his disciples to love one another as he loved them, and Jesus loved them in a particular way: by being a servant. Love was not new to Jewish people–the people who were Jesus’ people. But loving in this way is sort of new to all kinds of people because it isn’t very human. So tonight we gather together to remember this call to love like Jesus did and to trust in Jesus.

Scripture: John 13:1-17; 21-38

The Way It Is

Lent is a season in the church year that leads up to Holy Week and Easter. In Lent, we follow Jesus’ journey in his life and ministry that led to his execution, and see how our death-dealing ways are defeated by a God who loves us. 

This Lent we will explore some of what is “the way” of Christ, and how we are invited alongside, which makes space for us to reflect on our own faith journey and where God is leading us and what God is calling us to do and be.

We are framing the season around a poem by William Stafford called, “The Way it Is” 

There’s a thread that you follow

It goes among things that change…

This poem makes it clear-each journey is personal, so your “Way” is different than others’ way, and the Way of Christ is about the journey, not a set of instructions.

April 13

Palm Sunday

April 18

Good Friday Worship