The Way of the Cross
On Palm Sunday we see a strange parade, as Jesus enters into Jerusalem in a deliberate fulfillment of the messianic prophecy but with a twist. Rather than arriving as a conquering king, Jesus came humbly riding on a colt. Through that act he subverted the people's expectations of power and authority and pointed beyond himself to a vision of a world built on service and peace rather than power and domination. That is the way we are to follow too. Someone tell the people in power about this.
Scripture: Luke 19:28-40
The Way It Is
Lent is a season in the church year that leads up to Holy Week and Easter. In Lent, we follow Jesus’ journey in his life and ministry that led to his execution, and see how our death-dealing ways are defeated by a God who loves us.
This Lent we will explore some of what is “the way” of Christ, and how we are invited alongside, which makes space for us to reflect on our own faith journey and where God is leading us and what God is calling us to do and be.
We are framing the season around a poem by William Stafford called, “The Way it Is”
There’s a thread that you follow
It goes among things that change…
This poem makes it clear-each journey is personal, so your “Way” is different than others’ way, and the Way of Christ is about the journey, not a set of instructions.