Ash Wednesday: Prayer Around the Cross
Enter the season of Lent with prayer and contemplation.
Due to the weather, our ability to go online, and the opportunity to allow more people to participate in worship, we are moving Ash Wednesday worship to an online only service.
Worship will begin at 7 pm.
We will livestream to both YouTube and Facebook.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence: Mountaintop with Jesus, Coffeehouse Worship
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Yoga, Creating Art in Worship
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Yoga, Body prayer
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Yoga, Visualization/Art and Lectio Divina
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Yoga
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Anxiety Busters / Centering Your Body for Life
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Action for Justice
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Examen
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examine practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Season of Epiphany @ Spirit Garage: Practicing the Presence, Prayer Chapel
During Epiphany we will try out some additional ways to explore and grow in faith. Prayer Chapel. Examen practice. Embodied faith practice. Action for justice. Yoga. Visualization and Art and Lectio Divina. Body Prayer. Art in Worship.
The Word lives in our bodies, our actions, our creative work.
Join us in Epiphany (Jan 5- Mar 2) to learn some new, yet old prayer and reflection practices.

Pancake Church Worship at Spirit Garage
Chosen Home.
Home is not necessarily a place, but where we find authentic belonging.
At Pancake Church we participate in table conversation around a meal and an idea from the bible, the season, or our experiences.
It’s always a tasty adventure.
Scripture: Luke 2:41-52
Join us. All Means All.

Christmas Eve Worship with Spirit Garage
Invited Home.
There is no room for Mary and Joseph in the inn. They are displaced from their home, journeying to fulfill their civic requirements to be counted in the census. And yet, the time comes to give birth where they are, and so a humble home is found. A place is made, among the feeding trough, in a cramped room abounding with chaos. In many ways, Jesus is born without an invitation, and yet, he devotes his life to inviting people who are cast out.
In the same way, we might imagine the story of Christmas as God’s invitation to be welcomed home despite all barriers. How will we respond?
Scripture: Luke 2:1-20
Join us. All Means All.

Fourth Week of Advent, Classic Worship at Spirit Garage
After receiving the angel’s extraordinary news, Mary retreats to Elizabeth and Zechariah’s home to digest her new calling. She seeks refuge—physical safety and emotional protection. She receives a safe haven, a home for her heart to soon sing praise. Sanctuary and safe space is so crucial for everyone, especially the mother of Christ while she prepares to become a home for God. Sanctuary is anywhere God’s love dwells freely and abundantly.
Join us. All means All.

Third Week of Advent, Gospel According to Sufjan
John the Baptist’s good news sounds harsh, but he preaches a home for all—where inequities are banished, valleys are lifted up, and all have the resources they need for collective flourishing. Ultimately, John’s message is one of joy. We are called to collectively build and repair the structures of our society; we are called to be kin-dom builders. Wherever we build, God is there. What we build should be a place with a large table and room for all.
We consider this message as we take in the Gospel According to Sufjan with lots of music from Sufjan Stevens.
Join us. All means All.

Second Week of Advent, Classic Worship at Spirit Garage
In the miraculous birth of John the Baptist, we see the foundation of what is to come. We see how interwoven John’s story is with Jesus’ origin story. When Zechariah regains his voice, imagination is also restored. Zechariah offers deep praise for God’s tender mercy, casts a hopeful vision for his own child, and sings blessings into John’s being. This lays the foundation for John’s life.
In turn, John will go on to prepare the way for Jesus who will guide us all in the way of peace.
In this second week of Advent, we focus on making space—in our lives and our imaginations—for God’s blessings to break through.

First Week of Advent, Classic Worship at Spirit Garage
As we begin Advent with the “Little Apocalypse” in Luke 21, we remember how far from home we are. The world is not as it should be. Many have lost their physical homes, many feel alone, and many are isolated. Many of us feel as if we are wandering with no clear way forward. This first week speaks to our deep longing—for our home to be made whole, made right, and made well. With deep longing, we watch for God. Thankfully, God enters a homesick world.

Classic Spirit Garage Worship
We mark the “end of the world” before Advent Begins. We remember that we work with Jesus Christ to transform the world. We awaken again to being disciples of Jesus Christ—not disciples of our own wisdom; not disciples following the winds of this world. Join us. All Means All.

Classic Spirit Garage Worship
In my end is my beginning (TS Eliot East Coker). This week in worship we will work through an end of the world text and find hope for our days. Join us. All Means All.

Coffeehouse Worship at Spirit Garage
At our Coffeehouse Worship, we take a sacred theme and curate poetry, music and art around it. This looks a little different than our regular worship. We hope it creates a sacred space for you to encounter God. In this Coffeehouse Worship Service we ponder our fall theme "Life Together” with poetry and music. Come and rest in that bath of words and song. Be with people who care for you. Be sent out to care for others.

Spirit Garage 27th Birthday Party Worship!
Today we celebrate Spirit Garage origins, as we consider the Life Together that Spirit Garage has had for 27 years. Stay after worship for birthday cake!

Different Lens Worship with Allison Connelly-Vetter, at Spirit Garage
About once a month we have a guest speaker who is a faith leader that is also a person of color and/or queer, who speaks on a text that resonates with them in perhaps a different way than what has been traditionally taught down through the years.

Classic Spirit Garage Worship, “Life Together” series
This autumn at Spirit Garage we will explore “Life Together,” a short and insightful book written by Deitrich Bonhoeffer while he taught at an underground seminary.
Pr Holly is preaching and Andy & Spirit Garage musicians lead music. Join us!

Classic Spirit Garage Worship, “Life Together” series
This autumn at Spirit Garage we will explore “Life Together,” a short and insightful book written by Deitrich Bonhoeffer while he taught at an underground seminary.
Nick Tangen from the Minneapolis Area Synod Faith and Neighboring Practices Project is preaching and Andy & Spirit Garage musicians lead music. Join us!

Classic Spirit Garage Worship, “Life Together” series
This autumn at Spirit Garage we will explore “Life Together,” a short and insightful book written by Deitrich Bonhoeffer while he taught at an underground seminary.
Pr Holly is preaching and Andy & Spirit Garage musicians lead music. Join us!

Classic Spirit Garage Worship, “Life Together” series
This autumn at Spirit Garage we will explore “Life Together,” a short and insightful book written by Deitrich Bonhoeffer while he taught at an underground seminary.
Pr Holly is preaching and Andy & Spirit Garage musicians lead music. Join us!

Classic Spirit Garage Worship starting “Life Together” series
This autumn at Spirit Garage we will explore “Life Together,” a short and insightful book written by Deitrich Bonhoeffer while he taught at an underground seminary.
Pr Michelle is preaching and Andy & Spirit Garage musicians lead music. Join us!

Coffeehouse Worship at Spirit Garage
At our Coffeehouse Worship, we take a sacred theme and curate poetry, music and art around it. This looks a little different than our regular worship. We hope it creates a sacred space for you to encounter God. In this Coffeehouse Worship Service we ponder our June theme "God is Curious," which is part of our larger summer series celebrating that God is Creative, Quirky, and Curious.

Classic Spirit Garage Worship
Spirit Garage is full of Creative, Quirky, and Curious folx. We are created in the image of God, who is also Creative, Quirky, and Curious. Let’s learn more about God together this summer!

Classic Worship at Spirit Garage
This week we continue to explore what is Curious about God, through the curious story where Jesus curses a fig tree (Mark 11:12-25). Come think about this with us!

Classic Spirit Garage Worship
Spirit Garage is full of Creative, Quirky, and Curious folx. We are created in the image of God, who is also Creative, Quirky, and Curious. Let’s learn more about God together this summer!